NFCC’s strategy is the basis of our Plan. The strategy ‘Achieving More Together’ gives our members the reassurance that NFCC has clear strategic commitments that will lead to improvement for all. In order to make sure we meet our commitments, we have created NFCC’s plan to show how we will deliver the change we want to see.
It is important that the plan does not only reflect the short-term circumstances that will confront us over the next three years, but sets out the tools we have to deliver our longer-term strategic commitments, while adjusting what we do to meet the immediate situations we face.
The Plan is supported by the Home Office and other external stakeholders who we work closely with on delivering our shared aims for support and improvement. But those benefits apply to all fire and rescue services – not just those in England. NFCC remains a UK wide organisation, supporting all fire and rescue services to be the best they can be. All of our work is tailored to make sure this remains the case.
How to use this plan
- This plan is designed to be a reference point for NFCC members and other stakeholders with an interest in the activities and area’s of focus in which the NFCC is engaged. This might be for the purpose of considering new initiatives and seeing where they fit with existing work, or perhaps to simply gain an overview of activity being carried out at a national level.
- The activities cover a 36-month period. It is intended that this plan will be updated annually to reflect the outcome of the annual NFCC planning cycle. The Steering Group will present these annual revisions to the NFCC Council for adoption into the plan.
- The activities are presented within this document in two ways. Firstly, a high-level summary is provided in the Activities section. This allows a year-by-year picture to be obtained of the various activities or projects that are being delivered, grouped by subject area. The appendix expands on this and provides a brief descriptor of the activities and identifies the lead individual responsible for the work area.
- Providing this plan on a digital platform will assist NFCC members in their various roles, either locally, within a fire and rescue service or as part of their contribution to national work, particularly when new ideas and initiatives are being considered, and the potential fit with existing work needs to be identified.
- Appendix A of this plan provides an overall view of the programmes, their deliverables and the timetable for that delivery. Seeing the programmes together like this helps members to see the totality of work taking place.