Our Plan - Context
NFCC’s strategy recognises that the fire and rescue service landscape is complex and affected by major incidents and events that challenge NFCC to review and apply learning to support FRS to develop and grow. In recent times these include the Grenfell Tower fire, Manchester Arena bombing, large scale flooding, extensive wildfires and the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Plan considers this broad background and looks at the tools NFCC has to manage change and deliver improvement without being overly distracted by single influences. It demonstrates how it can be adaptable and open to the long-term impacts that, taken together, affect the direction of travel.
NFCC’s strategic commitments are the starting point for the Plan: they provide the cornerstones of NFCC’s activity and are provided below for reference:
- To reduce community risk and vulnerability through a number of programmes that will support fire and rescue services in the improvement of their deployment and service delivery through their risk management plans.
- To be focused on people. The greatest asset in fire and rescue services is people. We are working with members on a wide range of projects to improve the way services recruit, train, lead, manage and support their employees.
- To lead digital and data solutions to drive transformation. This will enable services to improve the way they collect, store, use and present data, manage information and, make best use of digital technology.
- To be an efficient and financially sustainable organisation that is collaborative and works in partnership with others for the benefit of all members. We are committed to running a lean organisation that ensures the professional partnership fee paid by all our members is used to deliver the greatest benefit to all.