NFCC Safeguarding Competency Training Framework
This NFCC Safeguarding Competency Training Framework is underpinned by the Safeguarding Fire Standard; a fire and rescue national framework of documents providing clear instruction on the delivery of core functions, which includes prevention and protection. There is a clear expectation that Fire and Rescue Services (FRSs) develop partnerships for those identified as vulnerable and at risk from exploitation or abuse. Fire and Rescue Services (‘Services’) must also have appropriate safeguarding arrangements in place to provide the public with the reassurance and confidence that they have every right to expect.
The Competency Framework will support the implementation of appropriate Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) checks, including with regard to any legislative change, ensuring it is taking a proportionate approach with regard to public safety and the public sector equality duty. This framework provides Services across the United Kingdom with a structure of the expected levels of knowledge and training, dependent on the job roles and responsibilities for all representatives of the Service (staff members, volunteers, and those that govern), in the delivery of the safeguarding of children, young people and adults at risk of harm, neglect or abuse. The terminology in this guidance may differ within local arrangements.
This Competency Framework is responsive to the local needs of communities and meets the national requirements as set out in the attached appendices, that considers the expected competencies for FRS representatives in the devolved administrations:
- England (as enclosed)
- Wales (Appendix A)
- Northern Ireland (Appendix B)
- Scotland (Appendix C)
This Competency Framework has been reviewed and agreed by the NFCC Safeguarding Board. The contents meet the minimum requirements for the workforce to be competent to ensure the safety, protection and wellbeing of children, young people and adults with care and support needs from harm, neglect and abuse and our wider communities by the relevant people that represent the fire service sector.
Level 1 - Foundation and Introduction
Applicable Roles:
Members of this group have a responsibility to contribute to Safeguarding Adults and Children, but do not have specific organisational responsibility or statutory authority to intervene. | ||
All representatives (including staff, volunteers and those that govern Fire and Rescue Services) | |||
Delivery Methods: | E-Learning | To be completed within 4 weeks of commencing role | Refreshed annually |
Competencies for those working with children, young people, and their families | Competencies for those working with adults |
1. To understand and demonstrate what Safeguarding is and how to promote the welfare of children and young people.
2. To recognise how own values, beliefs, and attitudes influence judgements in safeguarding work. 3. To understand the local early help, process, and their role in it. 4. To be aware of definitions, types of abuse and neglect and how to recognise signs and indicators of harm. 5. To be aware of who can harm children and young people and how. 6. To recognise particular vulnerabilities for certain groups of children and young people. 7. To understand procedures and duty of care to report safeguarding concerns and how to submit concerns. 8. To understand the expected standards of behaviour and codes of conduct of staff and volunteers. 9. To understand how PREVENT aims to safeguard vulnerable people from being radicalised to support terrorism or becoming terrorists themselves. |
1. To understand and demonstrate what Adult Safeguarding is.
2. To recognise how own values, beliefs, and attitudes influence judgements in safeguarding work. 3. To recognise Adults in Need of Safeguarding and take appropriate action. 4. To understand dignity and respect when working with individuals. 5. To understand the procedures for making a ‘Safeguarding Alert’ 6. To have knowledge of policy, procedures and legislation that supports Safeguarding Adults activity. 7. To ensure effective administration and quality of Safeguarding processes.
Level 2 - Awareness
Applicable Roles:
Members of this group will have organisational responsibility for Safeguarding Adults and Children. They have to be able to act on concerns and contribute appropriately to local and national policies, legislation, and procedures. This group may need to work within an inter or multi-agency context. | |||
Those responsible for the governance of the service:
·        Senior Leadership Teams ·        Group Managers ·        Station Managers ·        Prevention and Protection staff |
·        HR/People and Organisational Development staff ·        National Interagency Liaison Officers (NILO) staff ·        Procurement and Contract Managers ·        Information Technology (IT) staff |
Delivery Methods: | Face to Face | To be completed within 4 weeks of commencing role | Refreshed every three years | |
Competencies for those working with children, young people, and their families | Competencies for those working with adults |
As per Level 1 Foundation and Introduction plus: | |
1.   To be aware of legislation, statutory guidance, procedures, and local arrangements for safeguarding and how to act in accord with them.
2.   To be aware of consent and capacity issues 3.   To be able to identify child’s needs and parent’s capacity to meet needs. 4.   To be able to recognise wider risk and vulnerability indicators and impact of environmental factors (Contextual Safeguarding). 5.    To recognise the barriers for children which inhibit disclosure of harm and support children to express their concerns and needs. 6.   To promote the participation of children and work in partnership with their families. 7.   To be aware that children may receive care from adults who also have care and support needs and may need safeguarding assessment and/or referral. 8.   To be able, where necessary, to support a transition to adult’s services. 9.   To be aware of professional abuse and to raise concerns about the conduct of colleagues. 10. To seek advice and/or supervision and refer and/or report if a safeguarding concern is identified. 11. To document concerns effectively and share information appropriately and work collaboratively in the multi-agency system. |
1.   To ensure service users are informed and supported in their decision making around Safeguarding Adults Concerns.
2.   To ensure information is shared appropriately and all relevant partners are informed. 3.   To demonstrate appropriate responses to Safeguarding Adults concerns. 4.   To maintain accurate, relevant, and complete records. 5.   To manage Safeguarding Adults concerns and enquiries. 6.   To be aware of legislation, national and local policy, and procedural frameworks. 7.   To demonstrate skills and knowledge to contribute effectively to the Safeguarding process. |
Safeguarding Professional Level 3
Applicable Roles:
Members of this group are responsible for ensuring delivery of Safeguarding services is effective and efficient within their teams. In addition, they will have oversight of the development of systems, policies, and procedures within their organisation | |||
·        Named Responsible Person
·        Area Manager for Protection and Prevention ·        Head of departments for HR/People, Prevention and Protection ·        Team Managers for HR/People, Prevention and Protection ·        Safeguarding professional(s) or those roles specific in dealing with safeguarding referrals within service ·        NILO staff |
Delivery Methods: | Face to Face | To be completed within 4 weeks of commencing role | Refreshed every three years | |
Competencies for those working with children, young people, and their families | Competencies for those working with adults |
As per Level 1 (Foundation and Introduction) and Level 2 (Awareness) and additionally: | |
1.   To work together on a multi-agency basis and contribute to accordingly, including providing challenge or escalating concerns if necessary.
2.   To understand arrangements required to contribute to processes such as Early Help, Child Protection, assessments, and conferences. 3.   To recognise the importance of family history and functioning, including the impact of parenting issues, such as domestic abuse or substance misuse on parenting capacity (Toxic Trio). 4.   To have the ability to analyse complex dynamics such as grooming, the cycle of change or working with complex families. 5.   To have knowledge of the impact of trauma on children and young people. 6.   To be able to work directly with children, young people, and their families to promote their participation. 7.   To be aware of local and national resources that can be used to support children, young people, and families. 8.   To be able to use supervision and guidance in order to critically analyse and reflect upon practice. |
1. To provide professional supervision of staff and promote Adult Safeguarding.
2. To contribute to inter or multi-agency systems to promote best practice. 3. To support the development of robust internal systems to provide a consistent, high quality Safeguarding Adults service delivery. 4. To chair Safeguarding Adults meetings or discussions. 5. To ensure recording systems are robust and fit for purpose. |
Level 4 and 5 – Strategic Lead/ Professional Advisor/ Deputy to Strategic Lead
Applicable Roles:
Members of this group are responsible for ensuring their organisation is, at all levels, fully committed to Safeguarding and have in place appropriate systems and resources to support this work in an inter or multi-agency context. | |||
·        Level 5 (strategic roles) Head of Safeguarding and/or Professional Advisor for Service
·        Level 4 Deputy Safeguarding Officer |
Delivery Methods: | Independent Training | Dependent on qualifications in Social Care and/or Safeguarding Professional Advisor Level 4 and 5 | Refreshed every 3 years with ongoing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) | |
Competencies for those working with children, young people, and their families | Competencies for those working with adults |
As per Safeguarding Professional Level 3 plus: | |
1.   To ensure that safeguarding is embedded strategically and promoted across the service.
2.   To ensure awareness of legislation, guidance, standards, regulations, and section 11 requirements. 3.   To work together on a multi-agency basis and contribute to accordingly, including providing challenge or escalating concerns if necessary. 4.   To ensure robust governance including good communication within and across the Service. 5.   To ensure there are effective systems, procedures, policies, training, and supervision in place. 6.   To ensure effective co-operational between partners to improve effectiveness of safeguarding across the system. 7.   To understand the findings of national and local case reviews and applying learning to practice. 8.   To promote effective and professional practice within their own organisation including managing performance. 9.   To promote a safeguarding culture. 10. To have the ability to provide timely and competent safeguarding advice to practitioners and strategic leads. 11. To have the ability to oversee complex cases and support practitioners to apply legislation, guidance, research. 12. To ensure relevant staff receive reflective and challenging safeguarding supervision. 13. To oversee the quality assurance and improvement processes in safeguarding work, including audits and reviews. 14. To oversee the development of safeguarding policies, guidelines, and protocols. 15. To have the ability to manage and undertake safe recruitment process. 16. To have the ability to manage and assist with allegations made against staff. |
1. To lead the development of effective policy and procedures for Safeguarding Adult services in your organisation.
2. To lead on strategic planning in line with Local Safeguarding Adult Boards. 3. To promote awareness of Safeguarding Adults systems within service. |